Public Health Wales statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This statement will be updated daily at 2pm
Statement: Saturday 7 November 2020
Dr Chris Williams,
Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at
Public Health Wales, said:
“Public Health Wales
will work with Welsh Government to monitor the effect of the regulations which
will come in at the end of the current fire-break period on 9 November
2020. We support the call for the public
to take personal responsibility for their actions and to ensure that we are all
doing as much as possible to limit the transmission of Coronavirus.
“Ahead of Remembrance
Sunday this weekend, we are reminding the public that outdoor Acts of
Remembrance can be held this weekend involving a maximum of 30 people,
including event organisers. Indoor
services are not permitted, so we would ask people to be responsible when
paying their respects to those who have lost their lives in wars.
travelling from overseas should note that Denmark, Germany and Sweden have been
removed from the UK’s Coronavirus travel corridor list.
“As we approach the
end of the fire-break period in Wales, we remind everyone that this does not
mean a return to normality.
“Coronavirus is still active
in communities across Wales, so we all need to take steps to keep everyone safe
and to prevent the transmission of the disease.
“This means staying
out of other people’s homes, limiting the times and the numbers of people that
you meet, maintaining social distancing and hand hygiene, working from home if
you can, and self-isolating if you show symptoms of coronavirus or are asked to
do so by contact tracers.
“We recognise that
many people may be finding life more challenging, resulting in difficulties
with mental health. There are many agencies which provide help and support,
including the C.A.L.L. helpline on 0800 132 737, which will refer callers to
the most appropriate organisation according to their needs.
“If you are in severe
mental distress or are having suicidal thoughts, please contact Samaritans
Cymru free on 116 123.
“More information about the new rules is
available at the Welsh Government website.
It is still important
to look after your health, and you can you continue to attend appointments and
seek help for urgent medical issues.
“Attending a booked
NHS flu vaccination appointment and any of Public Health Wales’ screening clinics is a legitimate
reason to travel during the firebreak.
“NHS Wales is still
here to help you if you need care, and it’s important you continue to attend
appointments and seek help for urgent medical issues. You can leave your home
to access local health services, including your GP surgery, dentist,
optometrist or other health service.
“You should phone
beforehand and follow any guidance your local surgery, dentist, optometrist or
health service has put in place to protect you and staff, including the need to
keep 2m away from other patients.
“It’s especially
important to look after our mental health and wellbeing at this time. You can find sources of advice and guidance
on our website if you need some help
or are worried about a loved one.
“If you or a member of
your household develop symptoms of the Coronavirus, such as a cough, fever or
change in sense of taste or smell, you must self-isolate immediately and book a
free Coronavirus test at or by calling 119.
“Helpful advice and
support is available via the NHS COVID-19 app. As well as providing
alerts if you have been in contact with someone with Coronavirus, the app will
also tell you the current risk level in your area.
“Information about the
symptoms of Coronavirus is available on the Public Health Wales website, or via
the NHS 111 Wales symptom checker.
Datganiad: Dydd Sadwrn 7 Tachwedd
Dywedodd Dr Chris Williams, Cyfarwyddwr
Digwyddiadau ar gyfer yr ymateb i'r achosion o'r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19)
yn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru:
“Bydd Iechyd Cyhoeddus
Cymru yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i fonitro effaith y rheoliadau a ddaw
i rym ar ddiwedd y cyfnod atal byr ar 9 Tachwedd 2020. Rydym yn cefnogi’r cais
am i’r cyhoedd ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb personol am eu gweithredoedd a sicrhau eu
bod yn gwneud cymaint â phosib i gyfyngu ar drosglwyddo’r Coronafeirws.
“Cyn Sul y Cofio y
penwythnos yma, rydym yn atgoffa’r cyhoedd y gellir cynnal Digwyddiadau Cofio
awyr agored sy’n cynnwys uchafswm o 30 o bobl, gan gynnwys trefnwyr y
digwyddiad. Ni chaniateir gwasanaethau dan do felly rydym yn gofyn i bobl fod
yn gyfrifol wrth dalu teyrnged i’r rhai a gollodd eu bywydau yn y rhyfeloedd.
“Dylai pawb
sy’n teithio o dramor nodi bod Denmarc, yr Almaen a Sweden wedi cael eu tynnu
oddi ar restr coridorau teithio’r Coronafeirws yn y DU.
“Wrth i ni ddod at
ddiwedd y cyfnod atal byr yng Nghymru, rydym yn atgoffa pawb nad yw hyn yn
golygu dychwelyd at normalrwydd.
“Mae’r Coronafeirws yn
bodoli o hyd mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru, felly rhaid i ni i gyd gymryd camau i
gadw pawb yn ddiogel ac atal trosglwyddo’r afiechyd.
“Mae hyn yn golygu
cadw o gartrefi pobl eraill, cyfyngu ar y nifer o weithiau a’r nifer o bobl
rydych yn eu cyfarfod, cadw pellter cymdeithasol a sicrhau hylendid dwylo,
gweithio o gartref os gallwch chi, a hunanynysu os ydych chi’n dangos symptomau’r
coronafeirws neu os gofynnir i chi wneud hynny gan olrheinwyr cysylltiadau.
“Rydym yn deall bod
llawer o bobl yn teimlo bod bywyd yn fwy heriol ar hyn o bryd, gan arwain at
anawsterau gydag iechyd meddwl. Mae llawer o asiantaethau’n darparu help a
chefnogaeth, gan gynnwys llinell gymorth C.A.L.L. ar 0800 132 737, a fydd yn
cyfeirio pawb sy’n eu ffonio at y sefydliad mwyaf priodol yn unol â’u
“Os ydych chi’n
dioddef o ofid meddyliol difrifol neu’n meddwl am hunanladdiad, cysylltwch â Samariaid
Cymru am ddim ar 116 123.
“Mae mwy o wybodaeth am y rheolau newydd ar gael ar wefan Llywodraeth
“Mae’n bwysig o hyd
gofalu am eich iechyd yn ystod y cyfnod atal byr, a gallwch barhau i fynychu
apwyntiadau a cheisio cymorth ar gyfer materion meddygol brys.
“Mae mynychu apwyntiad wedi’i drefnu i gael brechiad
ffliw y GIG a mynychu unrhyw un o glinigau sgrinio Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn rheswm dilys dros deithio
yn ystod y cyfnod atal byr.
“Mae GIG Cymru yma o
hyd i'ch helpu chi os oes angen gofal arnoch, ac mae'n bwysig i chi barhau i
fynychu apwyntiadau a chael cymorth ar gyfer materion meddygol brys. Gallwch
adael eich cartref i gael mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd lleol, gan gynnwys
eich practis meddyg teulu, eich deintydd, optometrydd neu wasanaeth iechyd
ffonio ymlaen llaw a dilyn unrhyw ganllawiau mae eich practis meddyg teulu
lleol, eich deintydd, optometrydd neu wasanaeth iechyd wedi'i roi ar waith i'ch
diogelu chi a staff, gan gynnwys yr angen i gadw 2m i ffwrdd oddi wrth gleifion
“Mae'n arbennig o bwysig gofalu am ein hiechyd meddwl a'n
llesiant yn ystod yr adeg hon. Os oes angen rhywfaint o help arnoch, neu
os ydych chi'n poeni am anwyliaid, gallwch ddod o hyd i ffynonellau cyngor ac
arweiniad ar ein gwefan.
“Os byddwch chi neu
aelod o'ch aelwyd yn datblygu symptomau’r Coronafeirws, fel peswch, tymheredd
uchel neu newid i’ch synnwyr blasu neu arogli, rhaid i chi hunanynysu ar
unwaith ac archebu prawf Coronafeirws am ddim yn
-coronavirus-test neu
drwy ffonio 119.
cyngor a chymorth defnyddiol ar gael trwy ap COVID-19 y GIG. Yn ogystal â
darparu rhybuddion os ydych chi wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â rhywun â’r
Coronafeirws, bydd
yr ap hefyd yn dweud wrthych chi beth yw lefel gyfredol y risg yn eich ardal
“Mae gwybodaeth am symptomau’r Coronafeirws ar gael ar wefan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, neu drwy wiriwr symptomau GIG 111 Cymru.